Meet The Team

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In 1999, along with her father and brother, Gio moved to the South Florida from Peru. After years behind a desk in medical office, Gio began hands on instruction in dental assisting. In 2013, she completed the Dental Assisting Technology and Management program at Atlantic Technical College. She most enjoys making patients smile at the completion of a challenging case. Gio and her husband have two school age children who she enjoys spending time with. If not with them, you may find her at the gym in her free time.

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1590 NW 10th Ave #400, Boca Raton, FL 33486

George J. Karr, DDS

Office Hours

MON - THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRI8:00 am - 2:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed

George J. Karr, DDS